Monday, February 21, 2011

Ouch, Ego

Yoga Sutra II, 3: 
avidya asmita raga dvesa abhinivesah klesah

There are five primal obstacles to enlightenment: ignorance of your True Self and the value of spirituality; egoism and its self-centerednessattachment to pleasure; aversion to pain; and clinging to life out of fear of death.

So here's the thing about being a Pitta and putting photos of yourself online... I am a perfectionist, competitive and very hard on myself. (I am Pitta hear me roar!) As I looked through the photos for the last post, I did not see any I liked. So I started taking them again and again and again - to try and achieve the perfect pose. This was especially the case with crow... 

Note: elbows are pointy.
Repeated use may cause bruises. 
I woke up the next day with proof of my over-zealousness and pride... ouch! (In the spirit of Satya I knew I had to share.) This not the yogi I want to be. This is not the attitude or crazy-critique I want in my practice. I would say that this is not yoga... except that it taught me a very painful valuable lesson.