Thursday, June 23, 2011

Hey Mr.(Ms) DJ...

Looking for some new tunes to compliment your practice? Interested in what I play during my home practice and my classes? Then check out the latest post from New York Yoga's Blog - Sounds Like Yoga Volume 4.

Each volume of 'Sounds Like Yoga' features a playlist from a New York Yoga teacher. I am very excited to share my playlist this time - I think great music in a yoga class can help keep you moving, breathing, smiling, experiencing, etc.

I create mine based around the sequencing of the class to help you go with the flow. One favorite of mine off this list is: 'Sons & Daughters' by the Decemberists - so perfect for Sun Salutations. Enjoy!

Let's pretend this is my DJ face.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ready, Set, Go! (Teach)

Last Monday I did something crazy. I jumped in and subbed a class - and not one of the donation classes where students are aware I am still a new teacher - a 'real' class. In fact, my Teacher Training Director Jenny's class! It was not really on purpose - this was not a scheduled situation. But it was certainly one of those times to just jump (don't look down it will be fine) and then pray your parachute opens.

There is a scene in the Wizard of Oz that goes like this...

Cowardly Lion: All right, I'll go in there for Dorothy. Wicked Witch or no Wicked Witch, guards or no guards, I'll tear them apart. I may not come out alive, but I'm going in there. There's only one thing I want you fellows to do. 
Tin Woodsman, Scarecrow: What's that? 
Cowardly Lion: Talk me out of it! 

This pretty much sums up how I felt. Here's what happened...

I was sitting at my desk at the York Ave studio, signing in the 4:35pm class, and keeping an eye out for the scheduled sub. I was not worried; this is a reliable, wonderful teacher we're talking about here. But then ten minutes before class I started to worry... I call... no answer. Still thinking she will walk in at any moment. (But of course things happen and do not always run as smoothly as we would like.) So I start to call other local teachers... no answer. I am dialing and leaving messages about as quickly as is humanly possible trying to find a teacher for this class when suddenly it dawns on me - I could just teach it. Then thought, wait, can I teach it? And the battle of courage vs fear began.

I called our general manager who assured me that I should indeed jump in and just do it. At this point it is about three minutes after the regular class start time. I walked into the room and thanked everyone for their patience, explained that their sub was no longer available and that I would be their teacher today... I just had to lock up and grab pants. I did this fairly calmly. Then exited the room, ran to the back to pull yoga pants from the boutique, changed quickly, ran back to the front to lock the door, dropping my skirt and shoes and the sales tag from pants I did not know the size of at/around the front desk (yes, my coworker who came in after me had a moment of pondering my disappearance via rapture rising) and then one, two, three, jump.

The class itself is a bit of a blur. I started by putting everyone in child's pose and asking them to let the first chaotic five minutes of their class go. Saying that sometimes this is our yoga. (Secretly hoping that they wouldn't still be upset by the time the class was over. And giving myself a moment to realize that this was my yoga today too.) I had one fellow trainee in class - right up front near me - she was my rock! All through Sun Salutations I kept looking at Susan and thinking 'it's fine, it's just like training.' My hands were shaking, my ipod was on its last bar of battery, etc...  but somehow words were still coming out of my mouth. By the time I got to Surya B I knew that I could do it.

After a few deep breaths (mostly mine) we started on my sequence. As I began to focus, everyone became students instead of seventeen clients I was afraid of displeasing. (Manager brain off - teacher brain on.) Once this happened, I was able to enjoy teaching such a fabulous group of people. I even threw in a few poses or instructions that were particularly Jenny. Honestly, it could not have been a better class to jump into last minute. This was my teacher's class - I know her, the class, and am teaching because of her.  Afterward I felt honored to have been there and really like it might have been meant to be. Heck, I was even wearing a Batman T-shirt for the occasion. (Thank you laundry day.)

It is not easy to face our fears, to have courage or jump in. But sometimes life pushes us to do just that. The universe is not out to get us - instead, I believe, it is looking to show us what we are made of.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wedding Planning Yogi Style...

Quick sneak peek at where Mike and I will be getting married next year! I know, I know - what do you care about my wedding plans right? What does that have to do with yoga? Well, actually, so far my experience has had a lot to do with yoga - one particular school of it especially...  Bhakti Yoga means to move about your life making everything an act of devotion and love. This is becoming a very big part of me, but one I am just starting to be able to share. (So much more on that to come.)

Basically it is surfacing in my wedding planning because I am trying to make all of my choices using my heart and my gut - from picking the ladies I want to stand by my side, to the location. I have found there is really no other way. I have tried the websites and the checklists, listening to a plethora of advice from loved ones (keep it coming of course) but, in the end, its all about what feels best to Mikey and me.

So, when my godparents so generously agreed to let us get married on their beautiful land it just felt right. I could absolutely picture us there. (Which I could not really do looking at all the places I was exploring online.) But I knew it would only be the right spot if Mike thought it was a beautiful, meaningful place as well. I got to bring him there this weekend and am happy to report that he loves it too.

So without further ado...

A little mowing and this is a gorgeous view of the lake!

Or there is always the married in the gazebo option...

Which would you pick? There is also a GIANT tennis court that we will be fixing up as our reception area - it will probably get half covered by a tent and will have all of the tables, the bar and be the dance floor!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Saucha (which I discovered today has a ton of different spellings...) is the first of the Niyamas or 'observances' in the sacred texts. Saucha means purity. Though it is sometimes seen translated as cleanliness. The Niyamas are meant to help us build a better relationship with our self. They go hand in hand with the Yamas (which help us build a better relationship with society) by getting us to explore those ideas a little more deeply.

Saucha gets a bad rap because it seems so simple. Purity/cleanliness... hmm, OK, so take a shower every morning, brush my teeth, eat well etc. It seems so easy right?  But yoga, the Yamas, and the Niyamas are not about body alone - they are about balancing the body, mind and spirit. Each Niyama needs to be considered from all angles. So what about purity in thoughts or words or actions? How about in relationships or our work? How do we make choices that can bring more purity into our everyday lives?

We can begin to do this by treating our body like our temple (I know, I know, stop me if you heard this one before...) Some people do this by cleansing the body. You can check out one cleanse here or some great cleansing morning rituals here. Others meditate to clear and purify the mind. You can even help your body clean out the old to make room for the new by incorporating twists into your practice.

Ardha Matsyendrasana anyone?

I think Saucha needs to begin at the deepest root of purity - self love. There is a reason why Ahimsa is our first Yama after all. And nonviolence needs to begin with the self - we cannot grow and give love, love, love to others if we are not first our own biggest fan. Saucha allows us to explore this idea with perfect specificity.

So this week try to give yourself a little more support... honor yourself, smile at your faults, laugh at your own jokes, be kind in your practice, challenge yourself and be proud of the results, etc etc. Then maybe take a nice long bath to ponder that cleanliness can be pampering and self love too. I mean, come on, a bath full of bubbles and some essential oils for that beautiful bod after? Seems like purity to me.