Thursday, June 2, 2011


Saucha (which I discovered today has a ton of different spellings...) is the first of the Niyamas or 'observances' in the sacred texts. Saucha means purity. Though it is sometimes seen translated as cleanliness. The Niyamas are meant to help us build a better relationship with our self. They go hand in hand with the Yamas (which help us build a better relationship with society) by getting us to explore those ideas a little more deeply.

Saucha gets a bad rap because it seems so simple. Purity/cleanliness... hmm, OK, so take a shower every morning, brush my teeth, eat well etc. It seems so easy right?  But yoga, the Yamas, and the Niyamas are not about body alone - they are about balancing the body, mind and spirit. Each Niyama needs to be considered from all angles. So what about purity in thoughts or words or actions? How about in relationships or our work? How do we make choices that can bring more purity into our everyday lives?

We can begin to do this by treating our body like our temple (I know, I know, stop me if you heard this one before...) Some people do this by cleansing the body. You can check out one cleanse here or some great cleansing morning rituals here. Others meditate to clear and purify the mind. You can even help your body clean out the old to make room for the new by incorporating twists into your practice.

Ardha Matsyendrasana anyone?

I think Saucha needs to begin at the deepest root of purity - self love. There is a reason why Ahimsa is our first Yama after all. And nonviolence needs to begin with the self - we cannot grow and give love, love, love to others if we are not first our own biggest fan. Saucha allows us to explore this idea with perfect specificity.

So this week try to give yourself a little more support... honor yourself, smile at your faults, laugh at your own jokes, be kind in your practice, challenge yourself and be proud of the results, etc etc. Then maybe take a nice long bath to ponder that cleanliness can be pampering and self love too. I mean, come on, a bath full of bubbles and some essential oils for that beautiful bod after? Seems like purity to me.

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