Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This weeks Yama is Asteya or Non-stealing. Not taking that which is not giving. So it is more than just not shop lifting or stealing off someone else's plate...

"You're not going to eat that are you?"

Its being aware of other people's time. Are you the person always canceling the plans and leaving a void in someone else's day? Or if you are one of those people who is always late, think of it as literally stealing time from someone else. Try to be early this week. Give time back.

The idea of giving time can also be applied to conversation. If you have a bad day, do you go on and on about it to everyone you speak with - does this cause you to forget to ask others how they are? If so, this is your week to really listen. To sit back and not let it all be about you. Give your energy instead, because we all have moments where we take more than our fair share of time and energy from someone else.

There are so many ways this can be thought of: hoarding objects you no longer need and could donate (but... but... I love that shirt from 7th grade!), finishing the milk when you know your roommate takes it in her coffee, taking credit for an idea that isn't yours, always asking for that one more thing from a co-worker without showing proper appreciation and so on and so on.

A very big part of this that I cannot stop thinking about is unhealthy, one-sided relationships. Whether its a friendship where one person takes and takes and takes or a dating/marriage situation that is just not equal... I do not think anyone has the right to totally drain you of everything you have to give no matter the scale. It is one of the best things you can do for yourself to fill your life with positive, balanced, giving people and relationships. You have to always think of Ahimsa too when going over these other yamas and niyamas - love, particularly self love in this case trumps all. Couldn't help but think of these two songs...

Asteya may seem simple - and it may be easy to tell how you are (intentionally or not) stealing throughout the week. The challenge is in the giving back.

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