Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back to Being Right Here Now

I just read this fun and inspiring piece "10 Reasons to Do a Headstand Every Day"... and I'm sold. It was just what I needed to get me going again. Lets just say that since the wedding - which was the very best day - I have been in recovery mode. I let a lot of things go when the wedding craze kicked in. Do not get me wrong, I loved planing my wedding. Every piece was exciting and totally our own. But now it is time to get back to some of the routines I let fall away. One in particular is my morning yoga practice, which, well... certainly hasn't been happening every morning for some time now.

You'd think that since it has been over a month since our wedding day, that I would be back to the morning practice and other things (like writing) already. To that, all I can really say is it has been difficult to go from using every free moment to plan and create, to having all those moments free again. It is not that I wasn't ready to let it go; just more that I didn't know what to do with myself or how to handle moving back into the regular routine after. This may sound silly. It should be wonderful to have free time again, right?

I think this speaks to how we all tend to run our day-to-day in general, especially in New York City. It can feel like everyone is here with a goal, pushing themselves (too) hard, and stressing for a cause. As soon as I became my bad-ass married self I started looking for the next big thing. You see, there is always "the next big thing". Think about it... high school -> college -> grad school / job / creative genius... complete project find next project... (book / teacher training / edit / teach teach teach.) Repeat. Often a different choice in the grad school / job / creative genius category is made. Or maybe you get to plan a wedding, have a big move, a baby on the way, or some other life altering event.

The point is we all have passions that keep us driven. When we find ourselves at the finish line after a long race towards the goal, we begin to instantly crave what is next. Drive, passion, etc are not bad things. They do however keep us moving rapidly forward instead of simply enjoy the present moment. When was the last time you took a step back and let yourself enjoy how good life is in the right now? 

I am trying to get back to this important yoga teaching. Santosha, contentment. 
I want to be comfortable in the now, present in the moment, enjoy and appreciate the life I have created through all those passionate endeavors. Sounds easy right? Of course in the true spirit of all yoga philosophy (haha) it actually feels like a lot of work just to let go. My hope is that it will not always. This is why yoga is a practice - every limb of it. My daily practice - even if some days that is just a daily headstand - feels like a great place to restart. 

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